Monday, February 22, 2010

Mr. Unavailable #100: Down the Rabbit Hole

See The Downtown Hipster, The Way to a Girl's Heart, Momma's Boy, Update and Revisited for the background on this one.

This is where it either all starts to go horribly wrong (but looks like it's going terrifically right) and I get sucked in or this is where I discover I've totally misjudged this guy. Only time will tell. And, to be perfectly honest, I'm already sucked in.

The Fourth Date: We'd agreed to go for dessert at The Algonquin Hotel. He texted me earlier in the day to make sure we were still on for the evening and then surprised me by calling me and saying he'd pick me up in a cab--and acting quite nonchalant about it. When I first got in the cab, my first thought was to realize that this(?) was the guy I was all worked up about for a week? Seeing him made me think, "He's just a guy." Not in a bad way, just in a realistic way. My second thought was to realize that there was a bit of awkwardness in the cab--more on the "who are you and what are we doing" distance side of the spectrum than the "I'm so excited to see you" excited side of the spectrum. All that changed as we got a little cozier in the backseat.

At The Algonquin, we talked for two hours over a bit of chocolate cake as if we were old friends with terrible memories. I paid, since I'd invited him out, after all. And then he invited me back to his place to "watch the Olympics." After we spent some time not really watching the Olympics, I asked if he'd walk me home and he balked, but agreed to walk me downstairs and get me a cab. When we got downstairs I realized I was about three blocks from my apartment, so I said I'd just walk. "It's fine," I said. He said, "OK, let's go," and even though he was just in a sweater and it was snowing a little, he walked me home.

Diagnosis: For him: With mild prodding, he's definitely got potential.
For me: I don't think I've ever felt more comfortable on a date--with someone I was actually interested in. I've also developed a newfound fondness for the winter Olympics.

One of four things may happen (rated on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being unlikely and 5 being likely):

1. I'll never hear from him again (2)
2. He'll text me in a couple of days (4)
3. He'll call me (2)
4. I'll break down again and text him in a week (3, no, 2, although 1 would be more respectable)

Stay tuned...

Next in the #100 series: The Sound of Silence

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