Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mr. Unavailable #95.5: That's Not a Short Joke, I Just Forgot About This One

This is a Mr. Unavailable Mini Flashback, circa Fall 2007 through Fall 2009.

Vital Stats:
Early to mid-30s, 5'6"ish. Former actor-turned-Realtor, universally considered cute. Aesthetic: prone to wearing suits during the week and perfectly acceptable normal-guy casual wear other times. Demeanor: A serious yet happy-go-lucky, popular, outgoing guy. Or, as Shelagh likes to say, "The mayor of Mayorsville."

First Impression: Very Flirtatious. On an annual camping trip with a large group of friends in 2007 (it was a trip known historically for its hook-up potential), I decided my goal for the weekend was to, at the very least, flirt with someone. I picked him, and he was exceptionally game.

Signs of Hope: Very flirtatious. The flirtation continued over the next two years at sporadic parties and then I saw him again at the annual camping trip in September 2009. On the departing day, it was my birthday, I was waiting for my ride, he saw me, walked directly up to me and kissed me. I asked, "Was that for my birthday?" And he said, "Something for your birthday would look very different." Such heavy flirtation ensued when he ran hot...

Red Flags: ...He also ran cold and, on the same 2009 camping trip, would completely ignore me or engage in conversational topics that only served to keep me at a distance or turn me off (how men always think of sex, especially when women in short skirts walk by...yes, he basically came off as a pig). Also, a big red flag: again, the massive flirtatiousness.

Turning Point: October 2009: At a camping-trip reunion party, I finally attempted a real conversation with him and discovered he wasn't up to the challenge; it became more of a one-sided monologue--on his side, of course.

Diagnosis: As an actor-slash-realtor, he probably had to be "on" so much that he just didn't know how to be "off."

Next in the #95.5 series: The Pseudo-Return

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