Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mr. Available #?!

See George Clooney post for introduction to this post...

First, a disclaimer: not to flatter myself or anything, but I seem to have a knack for not only spotting emotionally unavailable men (it's less "spotting" than "having a core attraction to"), but I may even deign to suggest that I can actually turn a previously available man into an unavailable one merely by being attracted to him. It's like the Midas Touch of modern dating. Now I just need to figure out how to use my powers for good not evil--perhaps hiring myself out to save bar-bound single women from roving bands of Mr. Unavailables. But I digress. All this is to say that this guy may not actually be available...

Vital Stats: 50-something, 6'2"ish. Computer programmer, former musician, divorcee. Aesthetic: Very '80s jeansy...jean jacket, jeans. Demeanor: Shy but nice.

First Impression: Eh. It was a few years ago and he certainly did not seem to be interested in me, either.

Third Impression: I just ran into him at a party and we hid out in the kitchen for a while. I realized that he was extremely nice, interesting, relatively easy to talk to, modest, slightly awkward. If he had a clue that he was good-looking, he probably could have been some kind of model, but he's totally clueless. There's also something vaguely Mr. Rogers-ish about him.

Signs of Hope: It's not really "hope" on my part at this point, more curiousity...He's easy to talk to, attractive, etc.

Red Flags: He seems to be perpetually single. He doesn't appear to be "interested" in anyone, but that could just be because I'm used to Mr. Unavailables that come on strong. Because he seems so disinterested, someone suggested to me that he was bi- or even a-.

Where Things Stand: Talked to him at a party last night. Left a comment on his Facebook page today. You could say it's Up in the Air.

Update: One year later, he has a girlfriend! I'm legitimately happy for him and kind of glad it's not me.

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